Delivery Records

Track quantities of delivered materials for each PO. Field staff take photos of delivery slips and submit them via the mobile app.

Whether it’s a bill of lading, packing slip, or pick ticket, our AI reads them, quickly identifies delivered items, and tracks received quantities. Delivery records will no longer be misplaced, lost, or have to be manually delivered and scanned in the office.

Field Materials makes it easy to capture delivery slips in the field and Track how much material was delivered in each PO.

How it works

Field staff use Field Materials mobile app to snap photos of delivery slips
  • Field staff use our mobile app to snap photos of delivery slips (the app is in both English and Spanish)
  • AI reads the slips, identifies the correct PO, finds matching line items in the PO, and automatically pre-fills received quantities
  • When verifying invoices, your team will see discrepancies between ordered, received, and invoiced quantities side by side avoiding billing errors
  • Field staff can also use the mobile app to reserve a PO and have AI scan the packing slip to automatically itemize it

Stay organized and save money

Field Materials AI reads the delivery slips, identifies the correct PO, finds matching line items in the PO, and automatically pre-fills received quantities
  • Track what has been delivered against what was ordered to maintain accurate job costs
  • See all delivery records for a PO in one place
  • Empower AP team to do 3-way invoice verification (ordered vs received vs invoiced)